I have been subscribed to Heat Press Nation's email list for quite some time. They have a lot of great tutorials, products and resources to help anyone in the custom apparel industry.
I have always known that using other people's copyright or trademark items, or intellectual property is a dangerous game. It's been a policy of ours that we will not print these items unless we are provided with written documentation from the brand owner. (And no Etsy designers do not meet this requirement.)
I was shocked when I opened my email this morning and saw the subject line "I Had a Warrant Out for My Arrest", a blog article I received from Heat Press Nation.
I watched this video and listened to this man's story. I encourage you to watch, listen and take heed. If you are going into business, it is not worth it. It is also a way to prove your integrity to customers when they know you are going to do all you can to do the right thing.
Below is a clip from the video where Nick discusses his scary experience. You can watch the full video here.
Listen to Nick from A&N Custom share his story with Jared.
There are so many other designs and industries that provide you with the ability to build a successful apparel company. It's just not worth risking everything you've worked for.
If you are in the market for a new heat press, I highly recommend Heat Press Nation. They have many too choose from and offer outstanding tech support!
If you need help getting started in your custom apparel business, We Print U Press is here to help! Check out our full website or you can email us your questions at hello@weprintupress.com .